Congratulations to Dr. Gipson

Stephane Bentolila, Andrew Gipson, and Maureen Hanson at the celebration of Andrew’s successful completion of his Ph.D. exam, July 2021

Andrew Gipson’s Cornell career started with an NSF REU BTI/Cornell internship in the Hanson lab, where he won the “Colonel’s Cup” for best research presentation.  After graduating from Kenyon College and working at U. Minnesota as a technician, Andrew returned to Cornell and completed his Ph.D. on plant organelle organelle editing, co-advised by Stephane Bentolila and Maureen Hanson.  Andrew has become an accomplished teacher, holding several head TA positions.  Andrew presented his work at a minisymposium at the 2020 online ASPB meeting. He is co-author of a paper on an RNA splicing factor.   With the publication of a review article, Andrew is officially an expert in zinc finger proteins in plants!

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