Congratulations to Alexandra Mandarano

Dr. Alexandra Mandarano

The Hanson Lab would like to congratulate Alexandra Mandarano on passing her Ph.D. thesis exam on July 19, 2019. Mandarano joined the Hanson Lab after completing a B.S. in Biochemistry from SUNY-Geneseo. In the lab, her work focused on the gut microbiome and immune cell metabolism in ME/CFS. This work is highlighted in a microbiome publication in PeerJ and a T cell metabolism publication in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. The latter of which also has an accompany video.

Her time in the lab included participating in several conferences and meetings. One of these events, the NIH Accelerating Research on ME/CFS meeting in 2019, she presented her work along with other key speakers. She also received a travel scholarship to attend an ME/CFS conference in London. Since graduating, Mandarano has started a postdoctoral position at the St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Congratulations, Dr. Mandarano!

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